By Dr Robin Kelly
Human beings are meant to be joyful, light-hearted and happy. And yet at the start of the new millennium we, in the so-called sophisticated Western world, are witnessing an overwhelming epidemic of unhappiness like never before. In recent years we have medicalised this unhappiness – in 2008, more than 164 million prescriptions for antidepressants were written by doctors in the USA.
This in my humble opinion is silly – very silly. Because the roots of our problems are not chemical – rather they are to be found in our strained relationships with others, our world, and ourselves. We are in danger of losing sight of our souls.
On the other hand Pat Armitstead, the world’s first Joyologist, and my good and trusted friend, is far from silly. Playful – yes; funny – rib-ticklingly so; and wise – as the wisest owl; but silly she is not. This short book is packed with surprising and valuable insights into Pat’s life’s work, and with her generous tips to help us regain our birth-right of joy. She shows us how we can become truly happy by helping others.
Moreover, she shows us that if we make a commitment to be joyful and to share this joy with others, our lives flow more smoothly as we experience true spiritual health and wealth.
Pat Armitstead’s ANTIZAC will sit proudly for many years to come in my waiting room bookshelf.
I will prescribe it freely.
Dr Robin Kelly – NZ author of the award winning ‘The Human Hologram –Living Your Life in Harmony with the Unified Field.