Contact Pat to Find how she can help you lead more consciously and creatively in troubled times! 0487105785


Conscious leadership

Conscious leadership

From Jenn LedererLeadership and impact coach, motivational speaker, and creator and host of the infamous web series, Weekly Alignment™. ​ In a world where motivating others is just one inspirational Instagram meme away, it can be easy to skirt the surface of what it...

Are you ready to be a global transformational vehicle?

Are you ready to be a global transformational vehicle?

Recent times have seen the almost unprecedented use of the term Authentic Power What I share now had its origins in the expressions of Gary Zukav. Today I give my take on the transformative nature of those words. I read his book Seat of the Soul many years ago.  In...

Do you see the elephant in the room?

Do you see the elephant in the room?

The stats are mind blowing. 1:5 experience mental illness or depression ​6 million workdays lost to depression 3000 suicides a year .... thats 8 every day ! I just facilitated a new Mental Health in the Workplace program which shows managers what mental illness is and...



How has it come to be that we would have to create a line of study around this issue? And perhaps a better question.... ​who are we each being in all of this? Suicide is the leading cause of death for 14-25 yr olds in Australia. 6 million workdays are lost to...

My healing with humour tour with Patch Adams

Healing with Humour and Art Patch Adams Tour Russia, November 2004 Send in the Clowns The song ‘Send in the Clown”s is a curious combination of humour and sadness.  A perfect title then to open on a journey by clowns into poverty and loneliness.  Imagine  36 people...

Evolving consciousness on Australia Day

Evolving consciousness on Australia Day

26/1/2018 - I have been vilified for daring to paint this piece !! 26/1/2018 - I have been villified for daring to paint this piece. It seemed appropriate today to talk about that! The vision for this was channelled at a healing ceremony conducted by Beverley Iffla in...

Is everything you think you know about depression wrong?

Part of a book written by Johann Hari. Made my heart sing to find this today as it affirms so many of my own beliefs around depression. Excerpt only here....further reading in the link below​ In the 1970s, a truth was accidentally discovered about depression – one...

Could your story be an essential driver of change ?

Could your story be an essential driver of change ?

Without even knowing you in this moment I am going to say "Yes" to the above question!  I have the temerity to do that because I have had occasion now to reflect on my own stories and thousands of "others stories" and see the impact stories  make on the listener !...

Collaboration as a new leadership model

Before we can interconnect we need to connect In 1990 the World Health Organization declared depression to be world health burden number four and predicted it would be number two by 2020.  The drug funding agency Pharmac says doctors wrote 1.2 million prescriptions in...

How does one become a butterfly?

How does one become a butterfly?

“How does one become a butterfly?  You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.” Trina Paulus Healers, coaches, and creative entrepreneurs – make 2016 the year you give up being a caterpillar and become the conscious and...

Evolution or Revolution ?

Evolution or Revolution ?

In 1974, American professor of psychology Dr Clare W Graves wrote an article for The Futurist magazine titled Human Nature Prepares for a Momentous Leap. Graves described an impending change in human consciousness that would be, in his words:‘…the most difficult, but...

Creating sustainable communities by healing trauma

Creating sustainable communities by healing trauma

“In order to have sustainable community you have to make sure the people are sustainable. ​This means healing trauma.” – Jarmbi Githabul, Narakwal / Githabul Custodian Letter from a client ​who worked with me through her grieving /trauma process Hi Pat I will attempt...



YOUR WORK MATTERS, AND IT DOESN'T MATTER ​A friend once gave Elizabeth Gilbert some wise advice: "Unused creativity is not benign." ​In other words, you can't ignore it. If you have a tendency for creative thinking and a passion for creative work, but are finding...

Something you don’t know about me…..

Something you don’t know about me…..

Something you may not know about me is this..... ( Oh....and before I begin I have to say I am not in the HABIT of starting every post in this way!! ) I have worked for 40 years in communication, leadership and educational  roles, often at the forefront of change  and...

Why endurance is the price tag of achievement

Why endurance is the price tag of achievement

On Sunday 13th September at 8am I was gifted my star name by Kirra,   the Golden Oracle of light . My star name is De Ellis which means endurance. When she told me it brought tears for I certainly felt I had endured.  The tears were for the vulnerable, wounded part of...

White Paper – “My  Letter of Truth”

White Paper – “My Letter of Truth”

I have been enamoured ( nice word enamoured ) for some time by Simon Seliks work.    His “Why” process and the accompanying story is wonderful fodder for gathering in and finding expression for your own place in the world.  My life has been devoted to healing and...

2015 Laughter Wellbeing Convention

The Power point presentation is reproduced in PDF format for your viewing! Laughter Wellness CONVENTION 2015 "Inspiring Communities "   “We cant all live a life in the performing arts, but we can live a life enhanced by them” The qualities that mark people who excel...

Tribute to Wayne Dyer – my experience of his Auckland presentation.

Tribute to Wayne Dyer – my experience of his Auckland presentation.

A moment in time captured with words – Auckland 27th August, 2015  RIP - Dr Wayne Dyer / May 10th 1940 - Aug 31st 2015 A storyteller of great capacity Wayne sat in the lounge chair onstage in Auckland and sent us a message f profound value.  The message was I AM...