The following list demonstrates just how hard it is to really attract your potential customer. You may find thinking about this really useful as you start to put in place a mixed media marketing campaign for your own business.
- The first time a man looks at an ad he doesn’t see it
- The second time he doesn’t notice it
- The third time he is conscious of its existence
- The fourth time he faintly remembers having seen it
- The fifth time he reads the ad
- The sixth time he reads it through and says “ oh brother!”
- The seventh time he says “ here’s that confounded ad again”
- The eighth time he wonders if it amounts to anything
- The ninth time he will ask his neighbour if he has tried it
- The tenth time he will wonder how the advertiser makes it pay
- The eleventh time he will think it must be a good thing
- The twelfth time he thinks it might be worth something
- The thirteenth time he remembers he once wanted such a thing
- The fourteenth time he is tantalised because he cannot afford it
- The fifteenth time he thinks he will buy it someday
- The sixteenth time he makes a memorandum of it
- The seventeenth time he swears at his poverty
- The eighteenth time he counts his money carefully
- The nineteenth time he buys the article or asks his wife to buy it for him
- The twentieth time he will refer other people to your product
I believe this was written by a Thomas Smith in London in 1885