Contact Pat to Find how she can help you lead more consciously and creatively in troubled times! 0487105785
The Laughter Channel
Where Human interest meets Humour interest
It will be designed to support the recovery period following the current Covid phenomena and support leaders to hold a new level of consciousness !
Across the globe the emotional energy of the world is flatlining!
“ In fact, these are times when the fabric of society seems to unravel at ever-greater speed , when selfishness, violence and a meanness of spirit seems to be rotting the goodness in our communal lives”. Daniel Goleman
With rates of depression at 1:4 ; suicides in Australia at 3000 per year; employee engagement and loyalty as low as 55.3% a turnaround is required!
Season one of The Laughter Channel is comprised of 13 episodes designed to :-
- restore humour and joy to the workplace and peoples lives
- reconnect individuals and teams to what it means to be a human being
- demonstrate how values based communication can restore wellbeing
- support the evolution of authentic and heart based leadership models
- demonstrate how positive psychology principles contribute to achieving happiness
- restore hope and build reslience by showing people how to heal their grief
- explore differing humour styles and how they can be used in business and life
- restore confidence by equipping individuals to manage conflict, bullying and narcissism
- reconnect individuals to their inter-relationship with nature
- demonstrate the healing power of humour and storytelling
Sign up below to join the FB Page!!
The series was launched with Pat Interviewing Patch Adams, who is her Patron.
Pat then did a live launch at the Laughter Wellbeing Conference in Sydney late 2017,
interviewing Anthony Ackroyd. BUT ….. as you will see that did not go that smoothly in the beginning!

Patron Patch Adams
Pat has toured internationally with Patch Adams , who has agreed to be Patron and will feature regularly on the program !!!!!

Pharell Williams
I am now in conversation with Pharrell Williams Manager and Sony to see if I can use the chorus of the happy song to open my show !

Gerald Pauschmann
Gerald Pauschmann, who also produces The Point TV, will be the man making the magic happen for the tele series!
Vision of Partnerships/Associations for The Laughter Channel

Concept Outline:
Inspire hope – Liberate compassion – Evoke joy
•To be a voice for all that is joyful about humanity
•To disrupt negative and self defeating thinking patterns
•To build a platform that expresses the intelligence of being good humoured
•To provide a positive “edutainment” platform for personal growth
•To bring joy when it appears there is none
•To be a driving force in evolving the consciousness of the planet
•To build leaders focussed on enhancing the human condition
•To foster the use of multiple intelligences and signature strengths
•To create experiences that enable people to immerse in their own humanity
•Merv Neal – Laughter Yoga Australia
•Michael Davoren – Comedic actor and Speaker
•Dr Madan Kataria – Founder Laughter Yoga
Filming and editing – Gerald Pauschmann – The Point TV

Production Team
- Pat Armitstead TV Producer and Host
- Gerald Pauschmann Filming and Editing
- Production Assistant – Michael Davoren
- Hair – Celia Epic Hair Designs
- Make up – Melissa Mitchell Bridle
Guests on each episode will be invited to pay a $200 contribution to Marias Children Arts Centre
“Pat has been supporting “Maria’s Children” since her tour with Patch in 2004. The centre was created by Maria Eliseeva to help orphans and orphanage graduates in Russia to become full-fledged members of society by promoting their social, psychological and intellectual rehabilitation through various creative activities. They want to have as many happy, engaged and successful people in our society as possible!
Maria personally transitions around 300 orphans per year through her home equipping them with social and personal skills.
VIEWERS also may make contributions

This photo, from my tour, shows us at one of the childrens exhibitions. We painted the mural with them while there.

I purchased this mural called World of Harry Potter which will be used on the show.
Season 1 Episodes:
Patch Adams – Healing with humour
- Pearl Duncan – Thesis on aboriginal humour
- Merv Neale CEO Laughter Yoga Australia Claytons laughter – The fun you are having when you’re not really having fun
- Michael Davoren – Speaker, Actor The transformative nature of Humour
- Troy and Zara Swindells Grose – What it means to be a humour being
- The Humour Foundation and The Clown Doctors – Humour and health –
- Dr Barbara Pleister Humour in the workplace – an oxymoron?
- Dr Tim Sharp alias Dr Happy – Founder of the Happiness Institute
- Dr Robin Kelly – heart based medicine
- We are not just IQ – How many brains (panel of 3)
- Humour and creative expression – Dr David Martin and Kaya Finlayson
- Virtues Project – Penny Sampson Master Facilitator – Dara Feldman
- Improv in business and life – Impro Mafia
- Mark McConville– Suicidologist / Comedian
- Professor Howard Gardner – Harvard University
- Professor Martin Seligman – Authentic happiness
- Dr David Martin – Future Dreaming
- Kaya Finlayson – filmmaker Future Dreaming
- Hercules Kollias – Doctor, Authentic Expression
- Dara Feldman – World Educator Virtues project
- Ira Seidenstein – Clowning
- Humour /foundation – clown doctors
(Some guests confirmed and others pending and not necessarily in sequence at this point)